728x90 truncate1 [HackerRank] Weather Observation Station 13 문제링크https://www.hackerrank.com/challenges/weather-observation-station-13/problem?isFullScreen=true Weather Observation Station 13 | HackerRankQuery the sum of Northern Latitudes having values greater than 38.7880 and less than 137.2345, truncated to 4 decimal places.www.hackerrank.com 1. 핵심ROUND(컬럼명, 숫자) - 반올림 VS TRUNCATE(컬럼명, 숫자) - 버림`ROUND()`과 `TRUNCATE()`은 SQL에서 숫자 값을 조작하는 데 사용.. 2024. 4. 24. 이전 1 다음 728x90 반응형